Find Hotels with Jacuzzi and hot tub in room near you

*Disclaimer – We are still in the process of listing all available hotels on Map.
To see full list of available hotels with hot tub in room, we recommend to choose a state on our Homepage or navigate through menu.

How to find Hotels with Jacuzzi and hot tub near you?

This map shows all hotels with hot tub in room across U.S. and Canada.
If you are looking for a specific destination, you can search for any state or city in ‘Pick location‘ field and map will display all hotels with Jacuzzi near chosen location.
You can change Search Radius to show hotels 50-500 miles from selected location.
If you want to see all hotels with hot tub near your current location, click on the “arrow” icon on the bottom right corner of the map and it will show you all hotels with Jacuzzi tub near you.


On our site we provide a list hotels with Jacuzzi or hot tub in room.
But, not all rooms in these hotels are equipped with Jacuzzi or hot tub. Before you make a reservation, make sure you chose the right room that you wanted!
For example, if you want room with these amenities, you need to select room with jetted tub, hot tub, jacuzzi or whirlpool on booking page (see image). Also, you can visually check in gallery if the room has any of these amenities inside.

** On, the term "Jacuzzi" is employed in a general context to denote any upscale jetted or whirlpool bathtub, and not specifically to indicate products branded by Jacuzzi®. Our descriptions of hotel accommodations are based on our interpretation of information received from travel agencies, and we do not assert with certainty that the accommodations feature a Jacuzzi® brand tub or another brand. Given that the availability of hotel rooms and suites with Jacuzzi® tubs or hot tubs can vary, we advise guests to verify the specific type of spa tub included in their booking with the travel agency managing their reservation.